About Us

South Florida Criminal Defense/Trial Lawyer, SCOTT B. SAUL, a member of the Florida Bar since 1987, has a vast experience and immense qualifications that make him highly distinguishable among the South Florida legal landscape. He is a former prosecutor in both the Federal and State system, and uses this unique experience and knowledge to assist clients. He is an aggressive attorney that has tried more than 300 jury trials to verdict. He has successfully handled cases all over the country.
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Criminal Defense for Tourists and Foreign Travelers
With South Florida being such a popular vacation and travel destination, being accused of a law violation is not unusual...
A person may be placed on notice that they are the subject of a criminal investigation. Some of the entities that conduct criminal investigations are...
SCOTT B. SAUL does not believe that some cases are bigger than other cases. No matter what the allegation, to a particular client, that case...