Federal Offenses: Environmental Crimes – Part 3: False Statement

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15th Jul 2024

Florida Statute Section 403.161(1)(c) prohibits knowingly making any false statement, representation, or certification in any application, record, report, plan, or other document filed or required to be maintained under this chapter, or to falsify, tamper with, or knowingly render inaccurate … more

Federal Offenses: Environmental Crimes – Part 2: Crimes for Causing Pollution

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30th Jun 2024

Florida Statute Section 403.161(1)(a) prohibits a person from causing pollution, except as otherwise provided in this chapter, so as to harm or injure human health or welfare, animal, plant, or aquatic life or property. Any person who commits a violation … more

Federal Offenses: Environmental Crimes – Part 1

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18th Jun 2024

An environmental crime is considered either a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the severity of the crime, and could result in fines. Fines for these crimes can range from $2,000 to $6,000, part of which includes restitution fines payable … more

Federal Offenses: Forgery and Uttering – Part 4: Types of Forgery

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30th May 2024

Criminal Forgery Although forgery happens with some regularity, not all of it is criminal. For example, if you created something silly like a ticket to Mars or wrote a check for a zillion dollars and gave them out to people, … more

Federal Offenses: Forgery and Uttering – Part 3: Differences

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15th May 2024

What is the difference between forgery and uttering? Forgery is the changing or making of a document with the intent to defraud someone. Uttering is passing that document to someone with the intent to defraud.  So, if you made a … more

Federal Offenses: Forgery and Uttering – Part 2: Examples and Penalties for Uttering

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30th Apr 2024

What is uttering? Uttering, an offense that is somewhat similar to counterfeiting, is defined as an individual who utters and publishes a deed, record, instrument, or other specific writing that is forged, altered, counterfeit, or otherwise false and who does … more

Federal Offenses: Forgery and Uttering – Part 1: Penalties for Forgery

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15th Apr 2024

What is forgery? Under Florida Statute 831.01, the crime of Forgery is committed when a person falsifies, alters, counterfeits, or forges a document that carries “legal efficacy” with the intent to injure or defraud another person or entity. Penalties for … more

Federal Offenses: RICO – Part 2

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31st Mar 2024

Penalties for RICO Under RICO, someone who has committed at least 2 acts of racketeering activity (drawn from a list of 27 federal crimes and 8 state crimes) within a 10-period can be charged with racketeering. Those who are accused … more

Federal Offenses: RICO – Part 1

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15th Mar 2024

What is RICO? The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), is a federal law that provides for extended criminal penalties and a civil cause of action for acts done as part of an ongoing criminal organization. Specifically, RICO focuses … more

Disorderly Conduct Offenses – Part 2

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28th Feb 2024

Public Intoxication Public intoxication (also referred to as disorderly intoxication) fall into the category of disorderly conduct. Even if the act has taken place in an area reserved for alcohol use, a person can still face criminal charges for disrupting … more