Help with Firearm Offenses from a South Florida Criminal Defense Attorney

By : | Category : Criminal Defense | Comments Off on Help with Firearm Offenses from a South Florida Criminal Defense Attorney

29th Aug 2015

Florida has some of the toughest gun laws in the nation. There are multiple criminal statutes that specify restrictions related to gun possession and ownership. Criminal defendants who are facing firearm changes can have their best interests served by contacting … more

How a Criminal Defense Attorney in Miami- Dade Helps with Manslaughter Allegations

By : | Category : Criminal Defense | Comments Off on How a Criminal Defense Attorney in Miami- Dade Helps with Manslaughter Allegations

20th Aug 2015

A criminal defense attorney in Miami-Dade can explain that Florida imposes strict criminal punishments for convictions of manslaughter, resulting in a term of up to 15 years of imprisonment and a potential fine of up to $10,000. The penalties are … more

Criminal Defense Attorney in Broward County Explains Obstruction of Justice

By : | Category : Criminal Defense | Comments Off on Criminal Defense Attorney in Broward County Explains Obstruction of Justice

12th Aug 2015

An obstruction of justice charge in Florida can constitute very different things depending on the case. Usually obstruction is alleged because law enforcement has been frustrated by the alleged actions of the accused. There may be a very fine line … more

Representation by a Criminal Defense Attorney in Fort Lauderdale for Fleeing a Police Officer

By : | Category : General | Comments Off on Representation by a Criminal Defense Attorney in Fort Lauderdale for Fleeing a Police Officer

4th Aug 2015

A criminal defense attorney in Fort Lauderdale can explain that a criminal charge can arise when a suspect refuses to stop a vehicle that he or she is driving when ordered to do so by a police officer. Likewise, a … more