A Criminal Defense Attorney in Miami Dade Is Essential if Suspected of Drug Trafficking Offenses

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15th Oct 2019

Drug trafficking offenses are serious crimes that can lead to years or decades in prison and hefty fines. If you are a suspect of drug trafficking offenses, it is critical to contact a knowledgeable criminal defense attorney in Miami Dade. Drug trafficking offenses can involve federal charges if interstate commerce is involved. When facing a potential life sentence in prison, you need to hire aggressive criminal defense attorney in Miami Dade Scott Saul to support your case.

The Five Drug Schedules

Florida classifies dangerous controlled substances in five schedules as follows:

  • Schedule I includes drugs with high potential for abuse without accepted medical use, such as heroin or LSD
  • Schedule II includes drugs with high potential for abuse but some accepted medical use, such as opium or morphine
  • Schedule III includes a lesser extent than previously mentioned such as accepted medical use but also possible physical dependence, such as steroids
  • Schedule IV includes lower potential for abuse but may involve psychological and physical dependence, such as Diazepam
  • Schedule V includes the lowest potential for abuse and an accepted medical use with lower risk of dependence, such as narcotic drugs in small amounts 

Penalties for Illegal Drug Possession 

Penalties usually depend on the schedule of drug and the amount. Possession charges can start as first-degree misdemeanor charges, which carries a maximum of one year imprisonment with fines up to $1,000. Possession of a Schedule I drug can lead to first-degree felony charges that can include penalties of up to 30 years in jail and fines that are as much as $10,000.

Defending against Drug Trafficking Charges 

Defenses usually require a lack of possession and no intent to distribute the substances. An experienced lawyer can discuss your possible defenses to these charges.