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30th Dec 2022

Reviewing the injunction

After an injunction hearing, it’s important to review the injunction before you leave court. If something is wrong or missing, it might be possible for us present our concerns with that judge at this time. However, if an error occurs after leaving through no fault of yours then filing legal papers called “motions for clarification” may help resolve issues in future proceedings.

Evaluating the contents of the injunction

Here is a list of some of the things you have to evaluate before leaving the courthouse and decide if it is safe and appropriate in aiding your side of the case:

– Review the restraining order before leaving the courthouse.
– If you notice errors within the restraining order, you can ask a clerk to correct them.
– Make several copies of the restraining order as soon as possible for yourself and act as backup.
– Keep a copy of the restraining order with you at all times.
– Leave copies of the restraining order at your workplace, home, car, neighbor, children’s school or daycare (if you have children that needs protecting), and so on.
– Produce several copies and give them to the security guard or person at the front desk where you live including a photo of the abuser.
– Give a copy of the order to anyone who is named in and protected by the order.
– Change your locks, phone numbers and social media access/privacy avoiding any form of contact with the abuser.

If you have been involved in domestic violence in Miami, then you may want to call an experienced criminal defense attorney for legal advice.