Criminal Defense Attorney in Fort Lauderdale: What is Resisting Arrest without Violence?

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25th Sep 2018

If you are facing any type of criminal charges, the first step is to hire a criminal defense attorney in Fort Lauderdale to protect your rights.  The next is to determine what the crime means.  By discussing this information with an experienced criminal defense attorney in Fort Lauderdale, you can learn about whether your conduct arose to this level and whether there are potential defenses you can assert to these charges.

Resisting Arrest without Violence

Florida law prohibits the act of resisting, obstructing or opposing any officer who is performing a legal duty, including making arrest, without causing any violence to the officer.  They are often very minor acts that can cause a person to be charged with this crime, such as walking away when an officer instructs you to stop or not standing up quickly enough after an officer orders this.  Other examples of resisting without violence include:

  • Giving false information to an officer
  • Hiding evidence
  • Evading police
  • Acting as a lookout for someone else

Problems with Resisting Arrest without Violence Charges

The law is very broad and allows the offense to be charged for minor conduct.  Some of these charges may not be valid and may be abused by officers.  Officers may exaggerate your conduct, especially if they later find that you were not guilty of the crime for which you were suspected that led to the arrest.  An experienced criminal defense attorney can help you fight these charges.