Criminal Defense Attorney in Miami Dade: Examples of Burglary Crimes

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16th Jan 2018

A criminal defense attorney in Miami Dade can explain that the Florida burglary statute is very broad and covers a wide variety of crimes.  It can include entry into real property like a home as well as into a truck, bus or other vehicle.  The prosecutor must prove various elements to secure a conviction.  A criminal defense attorney in Miami Dade can explain the nature of the charges against you and potential defenses for crimes such as:

Burglary of a Dwelling

Burglary of a dwelling occurs when an individual enters a dwelling or building with the intent to commit a crime in the dwelling.  A dwelling is somewhere that is designed for people to occupy at night and sleep.  This crime is charged when a person enters the dwelling without the owner’s permission or by remaining on the property after consent is withdrawn.  This crime is considered a first degree felony with a maximum penalty of 30 years behind bars.

Burglary of a Conveyance

Burglary charges can also be imposed when a person enters a vehicle with the intent to commit a crime.  For example, if a person reaches inside a car to steal a purse that was left behind, he or she may be charged with burglary of a conveyance.  A conveyance is a motor vehicle, vessel, trailer or aircraft.  A person is subject to the same punishments for burglary of a conveyance as he or she would be for burglary of a dwelling.

Burglary of an Unoccupied Structure

If the structure was unoccupied and not considered a dwelling, the defendant faces a lesser charge with a maximum sentence of 15 years behind bars.

A criminal defense attorney can help defend individuals charged with all types of burglary charges.