Facing Aggravated Assault Charges? You Need a Criminal Defense Attorney in Broward County

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10th Sep 2020

A criminal defense attorney in Broward County can explain that aggravated assault takes simple assault a step further by involving a threat made with a deadly weapon or with a fully formed conscious intent to commit a felony. These charges are serious and require a serious response. Your criminal defense attorney in Broward County can explain important aspects of this crime, including:

Aggravated assault can be charged when a defendant has a deadly weapon. This does not necessarily require a gun. Florida courts have found the following items to be deadly weapons:

  • Pocket knife
  • Knife
  • Beer bottle
  • Car

Alternatively, it can be charged when the defendant had the intent to commit a felony, such as:

  • Rape
  • Murder
  • Robbery
  • Burglary

The potential penalties for aggravated assault are quite high, including up to five years in prison or five years in probation and up to a fine of $5,000. Florida prosecutors strongly prosecute this crime, resulting in even first-time offenders being sentenced to time in prison. If a firearm was discharged as part of the interaction between the defendant and victim, penalties can increase to a mandatory time of up to 20 years.

Potential Defenses 

Your lawyer can also evaluate possible defenses that you have to the crime, including:

  • Self-defense
  • Justifiable use of force to defend others or property
  • Stand Your ground law
  • Necessity
  • Duress
  • False allegations
  • Mistaken identity
  • Lack of a necessary element to prove the charge

If you are facing charges for aggravated assault, do not hesitate to contact Scott Saul for prompt legal assistance.