Knowledgeable Criminal Defense Attorney in Miami Dade Defends Clients from Reckless Driving Charges

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15th Jul 2020

Besides DUI, reckless driving is the most serious type of moving violation in Florida. This is why it is paramount to speak to a knowledgeable criminal defense attorney in Miami Dade if you are charged with this serious offense. If left unchallenged, a reckless driving offense can lead to several severe consequences that can affect your life for many years to come. A seasoned criminal defense attorney in Miami Dade can explain all of the important details surrounding this offense and your possible defenses.

What Is Reckless Driving?

Florida law defines reckless driving as driving in such a manner that demonstrates “a willful or wanton disregard” for the safety of others or property. From racing down busy roads to weaving between traffic, there are several types of driving behaviors that can lead to charges of this nature.

What Are the Potential Penalties for Reckless Driving in Florida?

The potential penalties for reckless driving in Florida are stiff and include:

  • Four points added to your driving record
  • Up to 90 days in jail for a first conviction
  • A fine up to $500 for a first conviction
  • Jail time of up to six months for a second conviction
  • A fine up to $5,000 for a second conviction
  • An upgraded misdemeanor charge if your reckless driving led to property damage
  • A third-degree felony charge if your reckless driving caused personal injury

What Are Possible Defenses to Reckless Driving Charges?

There are several possible defenses to reckless driving charges, which will be based on the particular circumstances surrounding your case. For example, if you were driving on an abandoned road, the prosecutor may not be able to show that you did not care about the safety of others because there was no one else around. In other situations, you may have been driving seemingly dangerously, but that is because there was an emergency at hand. A skilled criminal defense lawyer can consult with you and determine your viable defenses.