Obstruction of Justice: Defenses to Providing False Information to Law Enforcement

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31st Jul 2023


In addition to pretrial and trial defenses that can be raised in any criminal matter, there are a number of defenses to the offense of Providing False Information to Law Enforcement, which includes the following:

Double jeopardy. People can face the charges of Perjury, Providing False Information to Law Enforcement, and Resisting an Officer Without Violence, all of which punish the same crime (providing false information to the court or law enforcement). Notwithstanding, a person can only be convicted of one of these crimes due to double jeopardy protections.

Unit of prosecution. A person can only face a single offense for providing false information during an interview with law enforcement, even if he or she provides several false statements. However, if a person provides false information in a number of interviews, the person can face prosecution for each interview.

If you have been charged with obstruction of justice in Miami, then you may want to call an experienced criminal defense attorney for legal advice.