The Right To Remain Silent

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2nd Sep 2016

Never, ever speak to a law enforcement officer without first consulting with a Florida Criminal Defense

There’s something in human nature;
– if the person really believes that they are innocent;
– if they think that they only did a limited amount of conduct bad but it didn’t rise to the level of a crime in their mind, or
– they think that it’s too difficult to prove that they were involved with wrong doing.

Often people under investigation think they can talk themselves out of trouble with the local law enforcement officers.

What’s unfortunate is that the law enforcement officer that’s investigating the situation has often made up his mind as to whether or not there is going to be an arrest. At that point, the officer is just trying to get more evidence to bolster his case. He is not trying to get evidence as to whether or not he can make an arrest — he has already determined that he is going to make the arrest. It’s just a matter of getting additional evidence or information.

This is something the officer won’t tell the suspect. He won’t tell a suspect “we need to interview you because we are going to arrest you, but we’re just trying to get more evidence against you”. No one would talk if they revealed this information.

Speaking to law enforcement is a grave mistake, and a lot of clients try to handle these situations by themselves.

Once a law enforcement officer is investigating you for a crime, it’s time for you to obtain professional help. Remember, silence is golden!

For more information about seeking help for a federal or Florida State criminal case, contact Fort Lauderdale criminal defense attorney Scott Saul