Top 3 Things to Consider When Hiring a Criminal Defense Attorney in Miami, Florida

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13th Jun 2021

Being accused of a crime in Miami, Florida is not something that anyone wants to be faced with. You may be wondering what you should do if you are accused of a crime and how you can best defend yourself.

The good news is that there are many steps that you can take to ensure the best possible outcome for your case. In this blog post, we will discuss three of the most important things to consider when hiring an attorney in Miami, Florida for a criminal case:

Determine whether or not it is worth getting legal representation.
This is the first important step in defending against criminal charges. You should ask yourself whether it is worth investing time and money into a particular attorney’s representation of you or not. There are many factors that will determine if a criminal defense attorney can win your case, such as severity of charge and evidence against you. Some criminal defense attorneys have better experience with certain types.

Do your research on qualified attorneys in Miami, Florida.
Narrow your search down to a few qualified criminal defense attorneys. Interview the prospective law firms and find out what their experience is with various types of criminal charges and how much they charge for representation. Is the lawyer willing to meet you for an initial consultation without charge and is he or she going to be accessible after that meeting when needed? Find a criminal defense attorney in Miami who is familiar with the court system where your case will be appearing. Ask about any other cases he or she may have in progress which might distract them from yours, especially if you need to call for a motion hearing or settlement conference on short notice.

Document everything related to the incident and accusations of the crime.
Gather any and all evidence that can be used by your criminal defense attorney to support your version of events. This includes photographs, recordings, police reports, medical records, expert witness testimony statements from witnesses who heard or saw what happened. Keep a record of anything you remember that may be important later on in the case such as certain objects at the scene or other people who were present but not yet identified by police.