When Would You Need a South Florida Criminal Defense Attorney in Defense of a Petition for Injunction?

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24th May 2020

If you have received notice of a petition for injunction filed against you, there are three main times when you may need to consult a South Florida criminal defense attorney.  A South Florida criminal defense attorney can explain these three situations and how he or she can help.

The Allegations Are False

It is not uncommon for false allegations of domestic violence can be made.  Obtaining a petition for an injunction can give your partner or housemate specific advantages, such as being able to have you removed from a shared property, a temporary order of child support, or temporary child custody.  During the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an increased number of reports of domestic violence, but some of these may be due to a person wanting to get another person out of the household who would normally be protected by the lease or other laws.  An experienced criminal defense lawyer can look to these underlying factors to help establish when allegations are false or exaggerated.

You Acted in Self-Defense

If someone else used or threatened to use physical violence against you, you have the legal right to defend yourself – regardless of gender.  If you were simply defending yourself at a time when you are alleged to have committed domestic violence, contact a knowledgeable criminal defense lawyer who can argue this position.

You Want to Plead Guilty

Whether you acknowledge that you broke the law or you simply want to avoid contesting allegations against you, it is still better to have a seasoned criminal defense lawyer on your side who can help mitigate the consequences.