Why You Need an Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney in Fort Lauderdale when Facing RICO and Criminal Conspiracy Charges

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14th Jan 2020

Charges under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act (RICO) are not to be taken lightly. You will need the help of an experienced and aggressive criminal defense attorney in Fort Lauderdale to protect your rights and save you from the harsh penalties associated with these crimes. Our experienced criminal defense attorneys in Fort Lauderdale have been providing dedicated criminal defense representation since 1991 and have worked at the State Attorney’s office, so we know the common tactics prosecutors use and how to mount a vigorous defense against these serious charges.

RICO charges are complex, and it requires many years of experience to properly and successfully defend individuals who are charged with these types of crimes. Federal RICO lawyers can review the circumstances surrounding your case and build a legal strategy that is tailored to your particular situation.

Since RICO was intended to take on organized crimes, it also has a civil component to it that allows the party prosecuting the claim to seize your property and obtain substantial damages and attorney fees. Having a criminal defense lawyer on your side that is familiar with these potential issues is critical to protecting your financial security and future.

A skilled RICO lawyer can assess technical and factual defenses that may apply to your case, such as whether the questionable activity was sufficiently continuous or related to a criminal enterprise or whether the “operation and management” test has been met.

Our dedicated legal team understands complex federal RICO charges and can work effectively to uncover information that is pertinent to your case. Contact us today to get started on your defense.