The Value of Defense Strategy at the onset of a Healthcare Fraud Investigation

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23rd Feb 2015

If your facility is being investigated for, or has been accused of healthcare fraud, acting quickly to retain an appropriate Miami-Dade criminal defense attorney is an imperative decision.  The complexity of laws and regulations impacting healthcare networks can be confusing … more

How Much Alcohol Do I Have to Have Consumed To Be Arrested for DUI in Florida?

By : | Category : DUI | Comments Off on How Much Alcohol Do I Have to Have Consumed To Be Arrested for DUI in Florida?

There is no accurate answer to such an inquiry. It is not illegal to “drink and drive”…it is illegal to drink and drive with either; 1) An unlawful blood alcohol level or 2) Proof of alcohol consumption to the extent … more

How Can A White Collar Crime Allegation Affect a Professional?

By : | Category : Criminal Defense | Comments Off on How Can A White Collar Crime Allegation Affect a Professional?

It is common that with the targets of a white collar crime investigations, those individuals who have no prior criminal history.  These people have professional licenses like financial traders, realtors, law enforcement personnel, executives, accountants, lawyers, CEOs, doctors or public … more

I’m a First-Time Offender; Will My Drug Trafficking Penalties Be Severe?

By : | Category : Drug Crimes | Comments Off on I’m a First-Time Offender; Will My Drug Trafficking Penalties Be Severe?

21st Jan 2015

Because of minimum mandatory penalties, the drug trafficking sentencing exposures can be quite severe. The nature of these minimum mandatory penalties is that it takes away the power of the court and enables too much power to the prosecution… for … more

Should I Just Give Up If I have Been Accused of Bankruptcy Fraud?

By : | Category : Bankruptcy | Comments Off on Should I Just Give Up If I have Been Accused of Bankruptcy Fraud?

The nature of filing for bankruptcy can be an emotional and overwhelmingly difficult decision. Confusion as to how to comply with the strict requirements may result in an allegation of bankruptcy fraud. A purposeful misleading, defiance or obstruction of the bankruptcy … more

Do I Really Need an Attorney for Insurance Fraud Defense?

By : | Category : Insurance | Comments Off on Do I Really Need an Attorney for Insurance Fraud Defense?

Sometimes when a claim is filed, the insurance company has a team of lawyers that investigate the authenticity of your claim. If they believe that there is no merit to the claim, that the claim is exaggerated or stems from … more

How Should I Plead to Disorderly Intoxication As a College Student in Florida?

By : | Category : Juvenile Crimes | Comments Off on How Should I Plead to Disorderly Intoxication As a College Student in Florida?

No, No, No. It’s not prudent to plead guilty…even if you are guilty! Kids go to college, party hard… sometimes too hard and then get arrested for “disorderly intoxication.” The higher the goals that these college students intend to pursue, … more

Should I be worried about a shoplifting charge?

By : | Category : Shoplifting | Comments Off on Should I be worried about a shoplifting charge?

15th Dec 2014

Shoplifters in Florida can face significant and stigmatizing criminal penalties, including jail time and fines. In addition, shoplifters can be sued for damages in civil court by victimized merchants. Lastly, a criminal record with a label of “theft” can have … more

What is “reckless driving” and is it worth it to fight the charge?

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“Reckless driving” is a criminal traffic matter” quite distinguishable from civil traffic infractions like speeding, careless driving, running a red light etc. It carries potential jail, a license suspension, eligibility for probation, and four (4) points assessed against a drivers … more

“Sex Offense” Allegations: qualifications of the attorney are essential

By : | Category : Sex Offense | Comments Off on “Sex Offense” Allegations: qualifications of the attorney are essential

An allegation of a sex offense in Miami is among the most serious and stigmatizing of all the criminal allegations. Crimes such as “sexual battery” and “lewd & lascivious conduct” can have a harrowing impact on a person’s life. Punishment … more