What Are Some Defenses Your Criminal Defense Attorney in Broward County Can Raise to Your Obstruction of Justice Charges?

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26th May 2020

A knowledgeable criminal defense attorney in Broward County such as Scot Saul can explain that the Florida laws about obstruction of justice are quite broad.  You can face these charges for a variety of actions, such as providing false information, resisting arrest, or “wearing a disguise. ” Some of the possible defenses to these charges that a criminal defense attorney in Broward County may raise include:

You Did Not Know the Person Was an Officer

For certain types of obstruction of justice charges, the prosecutor must establish that the person you were engaging with was a law enforcement officer and that you knew this.  There may be times when you were not aware that a person was a law enforcement officer, such as if the officer was working undercover or was in plain clothes.

Lack of Intent

To secure a conviction, the prosecutor must be able to establish the link between your intent and the underlying obstructing act.  If you did not know something was false, you did not intentionally lie to law enforcement.

Mental Disease or Defect

Another possible defense to obstruction of justice charges is that you suffered from a mental disease or defect that prevented you from having the requisite intent or ability to legally commit the crime.

False Accusations

You may be facing trumped-up charges of obstruction of justice so that law enforcement can establish a reason to arrest you or charge you with a crime.  If these are false accusations, there may be video or eyewitness evidence that may refute the law enforcement officer’s claims.

Get Help

If you are facing charges for obstruction of justice, contact Scott Saul.  He can create a customized legal defense based on your particular circumstances.