Criminal Defense Attorney in Fort Lauderdale: Alternatives to Confinement in Juvenile Cases

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23rd Oct 2018

Scott Saul is an experienced criminal defense attorney in Fort Lauderdale who represents juveniles charged with offenses such as underage drinking, DUI, shoplifting, sexual assault, truancy, drug possession, traffic offenses and assault. If convicted, juvenile offenders can be sentenced to serve time in a juvenile detention facility. However, this confinement often derails a juvenile’s future. It can cause their education to be disrupted and take them away from their families. A criminal defense attorney in Fort Lauderdale can fight for an alternative to confinement.

Some young offenders develop problems with drugs or alcohol at early ages. Rehabilitation may help address these problems. Counseling services can often augment this treatment and uncover and address the reasons that led to alcohol or drug abuse.

Restorative justice programs may also be incorporated. These programs allow the victim to confront the defendant. Juvenile offenders then have an opportunity to repair the harm that they caused. They may also be able to contribute to their communities.

Another alternative to confinement in a juvenile case is education. Minors may be assigned to educational sessions to learn about drug abuse, domestic violence, sexual assault or other offenses. By becoming more knowledgeable about these issues, juvenile offenders may be less likely to re-offend in the future.