Criminal Defense Attorney in Fort Lauderdale: Facing Contempt of Court and How it Works

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28th May 2019

When someone does not obey and follow a court order issued by a judge, he or she may face fines, sanctions or terms of incarceration. Before a conviction for this offense can occur, there must be a clear court order that has a clearly defined requirement or mandatory obligation. A criminal defense attorney in Fort Lauderdale can explain how to avoid these charges. However, a willful refusal to adhere to the order can result in these charges, which will require the help of a criminal defense attorney in Fort Lauderdale. 

Basics of the Offense

When an individual refuses to obey a court order such as refusing to pay spousal support, adhering to child custody rules, paying child support or contacting a person he or she is not supposed to contact, he or she may face these charges. These charges can also arise when a party in a proceeding refuses a judge’s instruction in the courtroom. 

Penalties for Contempt of Court

Civil contempt often results in a fine, but it may also lead to jail time based on the decision of the judge. Criminal contempt can incur jail time, including a long term of 150 days. 

Defending against Contempt of Court Charges

Most defenses of contempt of court rely on a lack of knowledge of the order. This could include a misunderstanding or a lack of ability to follow the order such as when the person does not have money to pay spousal support.