Firearms in Miami

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15th Jul 2022

In the United Sates, most citizens own a gun (both legally and illegally) in order to protect themselves from or to perform any time of crime. These crimes can come in the form of homicide, assault, robbery, murder, and more.


In the state of Florida, firearm and weapons charges can have very serious consequences, including criminal charges. Some of the charges are imposed when you are carrying a concealed weapon, possession of unregistered or stolen weapons, bringing a weapon to school and illegal discharge of a firearm among others. They can be charged with a third-degree felony and be sentenced up to five years in prison. Moreover, carrying weapons without proper authorization can bring about significant punishments such as fines and probation.

The 10-20-Life law states that if a weapon is used to commit a crime, the punishments are increased, prison sentence is mandatory and there are different penalties for possessing a firearm, firing a firearm and injuring someone. The penalties go from 10 years in prison to 25 years to life.


The state of Florida is known for having a high level of weapons-related charges and there are certain measures forcing individuals owning a gun to meet certain requirements without violating the constitutional rights of possession of weapons featuring the country’s laws. Florida legislature has defined who cannot possess a weapon:

• Anyone convicted of a felony and the civil rights have not been restored.
• Anyone found to be a drug addict or mentally ill.
• Anyone under 16 years old and the unloaded weapon is at home under parental supervision.

The punishment resulting from a conviction under these charges can go from a misdemeanor to a felony. No one should face firearm charges in Florida alone. If you have been charged for possessing a weapon in Miami then you may want to call an experienced criminal defense attorney for legal advice.