South Florida Criminal Defense Attorney Explains How to Defend Against a Petition for Injunctions

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13th Jun 2019

An injunction can protect domestic and sexual abuse victims from contact with the defendant. This may include all contact or only violent interactions. However, some individuals who seek these injunctions do so for malicious purposes, and this is where an experienced South Florida criminal defense attorney can help. A legal professional can explain how to defend against a petition for injunctions when the accused is innocent of these charges. A South Florida criminal defense attorney can explain how to use various defenses to protect against having an injunction imposed against you.

Penalties of the Successful Injunction

If the former romantic partner is successful in achieving the injunction, the target of the injunction can face multiple penalties. This injunction can start with the forceful removal of the defendant from a shared residence. Additionally, access to children may be denied. The injunction normally restricts accessibility to certain areas, friends, businesses and religious temples. This process can remove the right to possess and purchase guns and can cost the defendant his or her job. One particularly negative consequence is social stigma in the community because others will perceive this person as an abuser or violent.

How a Criminal Defense Lawyer Can Help

A criminal defense lawyer can gather evidence for the case, collect electronic data and interview witnesses who can support this defense. A lawyer can cross-examine the other party and determine ulterior motives with the right questions. Any determined malicious planning on the part of the petitioner can support the defense against the injunction and remove the possibility of the penalties.