Why a Strong Defense from a Criminal Defense Attorney in Fort Lauderdale Is Key When Charged as a Habitual Traffic Offender

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30th Apr 2019

Classification as a habitual traffic offender can result in significant penalties to you that have a long-lasting impact on your life. To avoid these consequences, it is best to have the assistance from an experienced criminal defense attorney in Fort Lauderdale. Scott Saul can analyze the facts of your case and work to have your charges dismissed or reduced so that you may be able to avoid this direct classification. Some of the most important reasons to quickly retain the services of a criminal defense attorney in Fort Lauderdale are discussed below.

Explain the Nature of the Charges Against You

A seasoned criminal defense lawyer can explain the nature of a HTO classification. These individuals have accumulated a certain number of criminal convictions or traffic violations within a five-year period. A HTO has been convicted of at least three of the following offenses in five years:

  • Driving under the influence
  • Voluntary or involuntary manslaughter
  • Any other felony resulting from using a motor vehicle
  • Driving on a suspended or revoked license
  • Failing to stop and render aid after an auto accident
  • Driving a commercial motor vehicle while being disqualified from this

Alternatively, HTO status can result after 15 convictions for moving traffic violations.


Explain Possible Penalties

Being classified as an HTO can result in the loss of your driving privileges for up to five years. If you drive while on TO status, you can be charged with a third-degree felony, which can result in imprisonment up to five years and a fine up to $5,000. A criminal defense lawyer can help you challenge this classification or the underlying violations.

Apply for a Hardship License

If you are classified as a HTO, you may still be eligible to receive a hardship license to retain your right to drive to and from work. A skilled criminal defense lawyer can help with this process.